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Gynaec Laparoscopy

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Gynaec Laparoscopy

What is Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery?

ALS can be used for all GYN conditions, including fibroids, myomectomy, hysterectomy, ovarian masses and cancer surgery.

ALS can be used for all GYN conditions, including fibroids, hysterectomy, ovarian masses, endometriosis, prolapse and incontinence, and cancer surgery.

ALS also uses proven techniques in GYN surgery to eliminate large incisions and long surgical procedures. By keeping the incisions the smallest possible, most all patients leave the hospital the same day, are back to work within 5 to 7 days, have minimal pain, and are active throughout their recovery period. The combination of the highest level of laparoscopic technology with effective GYN surgery techniques is a common sense, cost effective approach to GYN surgery.

The Benefits of Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery

Our Surgery Center offers minimally invasive treatment options for nearly all gynecologic conditions. The best treatment option in every case is the one that offers a long-term solution or cure for your condition with the fewest complications, side effects, and the least interference with your life. Minimally invasive surgery means using tiny incisions so you have less pain, less scarring, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery. In fact, 90% of our surgical patients return home the same day. You get back to your life more quickly and with less pain.

Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery

• Less pain: for only a brief time compared to longer times for standard laparoscopic surgery.

• Tiny scars: two 5 mm incisions for two port procedures for a total of 10 mm (1/2 inch) of    incisions versus a 48 mm (2.5 inch) of incisions for robotic surgery and up to 100 to 150mm    (6 – 7 inches) of incisions for open surgery.

• Reduced ‘down time’: Recuperation generally takes from two to ten days versus weeks to    months with open procedures. Decreased blood loss with laparoscopy avoids the need for    blood transfusions, and also prevents fatigue.

• High Risk Cases are Treatable: Patients with multiple prior surgeries or conditions thought to    be only treatable with open procedures can be completed with advanced laparoscopic    techniques.

• Malignant Cases are Treatable: Patients with cancer of the uterus, cervix, and ovary are    often good candidates for laparoscopic procedures. These patients can avoid many of the    major complications associated with radical open procedures, and if needed can begin    chemotherapy or radiation therapy much faster, thereby increasing their chances for cure.

• Insurance Eligibility: Insurance companies and managed care reimburse minimally invasive    surgery with no problem. These procedures have been shown to provide equal or better    patient outcomes, reduces hospital stay, reduced infection and morbidity, and lower cost.

We encourage you to review information related to your condition and invite you to make an appointment to discuss your condition with us. We will review all possible treatment options with you and help you determine the best plan for your condition, lifestyle, and health.

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