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Day Care Lap. Appendectomy

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Definition of Day Care surgery

Major Ambulatory Surgery, Wherein, the operated patient recovers from surgery and is fit to return home within a day (24 hours). Also called Ambulatory surgery, same day surgery.

Day Care Laparoscopic Appendectomy

Means patient with acute appendicitis is operated laparoscopically and discharged home within 24 hours or on the same day. In my hospital, I routinely do laparoscopic appendectomy and discharge the patient on same day.

Criteria for case selection :

Medically fit and stable patients {ASA I & II}.

Well motivated patients.

Psychologically / mentally stable patients.

Non-toxic patients.

Patient Preparation

Clinical Examination in OPD.

Work up.

Ultrasonography of abdomen and pelvis.

Lab investigations.

Medical fitness from physician.

Detailed explanation regarding day care procedure, admission criteria and discharge criteria.

Possible postop complications, postop care at home by the relative and subsequent follow -    up.

Possibility of readmission is explained to the patient.

Criteria for discharge

Patients with stable vital parameters, with ability to walk without assistance and with no or    minimal pain and those who tolerated fluids and food without discomfort and had passed    urine.

Accompanied by a responsible person / relative.

Specific instructions in regards to wound care, pain control, diet, activity and regular    medications are given.

Advantages of Day care surgery

Reduces anxiety of `Surgery`.

Recovery in familiar surroundings.

Faster post-op. recovery.

Reduced hospital stay.

Reduces hospital acquired infection.

Decongestion of hospital beds.

Early resumption of day to day activity.

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Diagnostic Laparoscopy
Day Care Laparoscopy
Day Care Lap. Appendectomy
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