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Day Care Laparoscopy

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Day Care Surgery

It is Major Ambulatory Surgery wherein an operated patient recovers after surgery and is fit to go home within a day or 24 hours.

How does Daycare Surgery work?

In Daycare Surgery, trained daycare surgeons perform surgery using hi-tech, precision equipment designed to minimize pain and accelerate healing. Laparoscopic methods involve video-assisted surgery through a very small cut (often as small as 5mm to 10 mm) in the body. These techniques cause minimal secondary damage to the body, and thus result in faster healing. Special anesthetic techniques are used to minimize pain during and after the procedure. Patients are able to return back to their normal activities much earlier than traditional surgery.

Is Daycare Surgery safe?

Absolutely. A daycare procedure is performed only after thorough planning and evaluation of the patient by a qualified, daycare-trained doctor. The patient's condition is evaluated and monitored after the surgery by the doctor and trained staff, and a discharge is done only if the doctor certifies the patient as fit for discharge.

Advantages of Daycare Surgery

Same - day, insurance-friendly discharge - saves hospitalization costs.

Special surgical and anesthetic techniques aimed at rapid recovery, faster healing.

Minimal disruption of personal life, helps you return to work / life quicker.

Daycare Procedures (Rapid Recovery with discharge in 24 hours or less)

Hydrocele Surgery.

Inguinal Hernia.

Umbilical Hernia.

Femoral Hernia.

Piles surgery (MIPH - Minimally Invasive Procedure for Haemorrhoids).

Fissure surgery (Lateral Sphincterotomy).

Fistula surgery.

Incision and Drainage of Perianal Abscess.

Laparoscopic Appendicectomy.

Laparoscopic Tubectomy.

Laparoscopic Unruptured Ectopic pregnancy removal.

Ambulatory Procedures List (Discharge is a few hours or an opd procedure)

Circumcision (adults and kids)

Sebaceous cyst excision

Excision of Toe Nail

Excision of Superficial Swellings

Incision and Drainage of Superficial Abscess

Diagnostic Laparoscopy


Upper GI Endoscopy

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Diagnostic Laparoscopy
Day Care Laparoscopy
Day Care Lap. Appendectomy
Day Care Lap. Hysterectomy
Obesity Bariatric & Metabolic
Gynaec Laparoscopy
Gallstone Surgery
General Surgery
Weight Loss Option
Therapeutic endoscopy