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arrow image Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Caecal Perforation
arrow image Lap Hysterectomy of Big Fibroid
arrow image Lap Cholecystectomy
arrow image Laparoscopic Management of Hiatus Hernia
arrow image TAPP Repair of Lt Inguinal Hernia
arrow image Laparoscopic Management of AppendicularPerforation
arrow image Laparascopic Management of Dueodenal Perforation
arrow image Lap Repair of Umilical Hernia
arrow image Lap Ventral Hernia Repair
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Diagnostic Laparoscopy
Day Care Laparoscopy
Day Care Lap. Appendectomy
Day Care Lap. Hysterectomy
Obesity Bariatric & Metabolic
Gynaec Laparoscopy
Gallstone Surgery
General Surgery
Weight Loss Option
Therapeutic endoscopy